Diamond Peridot Antique Style Earrings in 14K White Gold

Evoking the timeless styling of days gone by, these Diamond antique style rings connect you to the rich tapestry off all that have come before. A pair of peridot earrings sparkle by day, and remain brilliant at night. The Romans called peridot the “evening emerald” whose vibrant green color remained visible by lamplight.

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diamond Jewelry

A diamond is a stone that truly states, "I love you"" in a deep way. In fact, you've probably heard the slogan many times that ""a diamond is forever."" This is because of the stone's symbol of deep, everlasting love, as well as the fact that it's the hardest substance known on earth.The diamond is also the stone that marks the 60th anniversary of marriage, and is the birthstone for the month of April. It is believed that the first diamonds were discovered in India, at least 3000 years ago, but more likely as long as 6000 years ago. In Ancient India, people viewed diamonds as religious icons."... learn more

peridot Jewelry

Peridot is named after the French word peritot, meaning gold, because the mineral can vary towards this color. Peridot is the birthstone for the month of August. It is also the stone given to celebrate the 16th year of marriage. Peridot has a very long written history. Ancient papyri record the mining of these stones as early as 1500 BC. The main source of peridot in the ancient world was Topazo Island (now Zabargad or St. John's Island) in the Egyptian Red Sea. In Ancient times, peridot stones were used for carved talismans. Island habitants were forced to collect the gems for the Pharaoh's treasury. Legend says that jealous watchers who had orders to put to death any trespassers guarded the entire island. The story continues that the miners worked in the daytime as well as night, as the gems could be found after nightfall due to their radiance. The miners would mark the spot at night for retrieval the following day.... learn more